Party of Communists USA

Statement of the Party of Communists USA on the 2024 Presidential Election

The strategy of picking the lesser of two evils has never worked. The lesser of two evils strategy is itself evil. Despite their differences in messaging today, both major political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, ultimately represent the interests of the military-industrial complex that profits from wars.

Based on the Democratic Party’s Platform passed at the recent Convention of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), there will be no difference between the policies of Kamala Harris and the policies of Joe Biden. In fact, the Platform in many places still refers to Biden as the nominee for the Democratic Party. As Biden said in his now suspended presidential campaign, “Nothing will fundamentally change.”

As has been stated before, the Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists states that we are now only 90 seconds away from midnight, which would mean nuclear war. Both Harris and Trump, two wings of the same bird, have no plan to prevent nuclear destruction. Despite their cosmetic differences, neither candidate will set the American people on a new direction away from “forever” wars and towards social justice at home.

Not since 1964, when Republican Barry Goldwater ran against Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson, has the question of nuclear war and peace been so prominent. All other issues are secondary in the face of nuclear annihilation.

Now is the time to begin building a better future for working people in America. As of today, August 30, 2024, the candidacy of Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party offers a third alternative on the ballot that is advancing the interests of world peace, an end to US intervention in the internal affairs of other countries, and a more equitable economic life for the American people.

As the Program of the Party of Communists USA states, our criteria for supporting candidates within elections is based on the “three-legged stool”, popularized by Comrade Gus Hall, former General Secretary of the Communist Party USA. This policy selects candidates which are “pro-labor, pro-worker, anti-racist and anti-war”, and Jill Stein fits these criteria.

Dr. Jill Stein’s platform contains several key proposals regarding labor. She has called for repealing the Taft-Hartley Act which significantly curtails the power of union organizing in America. She calls for equal pay for all, regardless of gender or race.

Dr. Stein calls for a massive redirection of military spending, including that which is earmarked for the Ukraine, towards social funding such as housing, healthcare, and education. She calls for the disbanding of NATO and almost 700 US military bases which serve as a
jumping-off point for US intervention in the internal affairs of every country throughout the planet.

Regarding the genocide in Palestine, Dr. Stein calls for the end of American funding of the Israeli military and registering AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) as a foreign agent. Dr. Stein’s positions make her the most people-oriented candidate on international affairs.

For future elections, we need to engage and energize the American people towards unifying all progressive forces into an Anti-Monopoly Electoral Front built upon organized labor.

Jobs, Security, Democracy, Peace!

People Before Profits!

End to Foreign Military Intervention!

Party of Communists USA

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