Party of Communists USA


“I joined the PCUSA because without revolutionary theory there can be no revolution” – Colter PA

“Hello my name is Che, I joined the PCUSA because it is a dedicated and disciplined party that is committed to putting in the work each and every day. Since joining, I have had complete confidence in the leadership and membership. They have been so nice and I feel I have learned so much and I have opportunities I would not have otherwise.” – Che FL

“Hi my name is Elle, I joined the PCUSA because I believe a better world is possible. The working people of the world deserve a government that represents their interests, not the interests of the one percent that sit at the top and hoard all the wealth for themselves while at the same time destroying the world for the rest of us. The working people deserve a government of the 99 percent for the 99 percent and this is possible through socialism. – Eleanor TX

“I chose to join the Party of Communists USA because I’m part of a generation that under the West’s current system of monopoly capitalism will never be able to afford my own home. And I joined the Party because I want to see the land of this country taken back from the real estate barons and made accessible to working class people. And the reason I have chosen to stay in this party for well over a year now is because there are works that this Party has made sure I learn about, from authors such as Henry Winston that I do not believe I would have ever found otherwise. And there are a lot of works that I don’t think I could have found otherwise. And I believe that I’m a better revolutionary for having studied them.” – Chris ID

“I joined the PCUSA as I wanted to do political organizing and build class consciousness among others and myself.
Before the Party, and before my own political awakening, I had taken everything at face value and just coasted through life. The disappointments of 2016 made me realize the nature of the political system itself, and from there I started looking for organizations to join and get active in my union at work, something I had never done before.
Then I found the Party. I joined and have been with the Party since. Working with the Party has allowed me to grow ideologically, I learn something new every week, and I meet some of the most wonderful and knowledgeable Comrades. I participate in multiple commissions and mass organizations as a regular member.
Through the Party, I have gained confidence in speaking and approaching strangers to talk to them about the issues of the day.
Membership in the Party has definitely given me a purpose in life and enhanced it. I now know what the issues are that are making life miserable and how to educate and agitate the public on them. I have the pleasure of knowing wonderful comrades and people who look out for each other. While there is much work to do, it is important work. PCUSA has been a solid rock and foundation I have used to grow as a person in both my family and my community.
I remain with the PCUSA for many reasons. The work we do is substantial, the history and theory I have learned and continue learning rings true, and I have met and supported many wonderful comrades who have enriched my life and growth as a person.” – Nick M

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